Dashflow™ is an ultra-fast artificial intelligence tool for professionals who need institutional-grade appraisal of commercial real estate investments. It offers easy and safe determination of IRRs and other investment performance metrics. The app creates tailor-made and instantly adjustable private-equity-standard spreadsheet models in seconds. It reduces hours or days of analyst labor to minutes—all in an easy, intuitive, safe, fun and auditable manner.
No complicated expensive training. No manual needed for commercial real estate (CRE) professionals conversant with cash flow analyses. Initial free support.
Dashflow is revolutionary in allowing you to take advantage of technology to:
> Create office stacking plans in seconds (building height, floor plate sizes, current rents, market rents) or import tenancy data instantly.
> Enter quickly and adjust instantly all key assumptions including:
- Investment horizons from 12 months to 20 years
- IRRs, profit, peak equity, equity multiple, geared & ungeared
- Asset Management Events (LEX, RRs, Fixed Uplifts, Capex &c)
- Debt facilities and profit shares.
> Produce custom spreadsheet models with live formulae in seconds to support due diligence and enable further model refinement if desired.
> Share deal summaries and analyses with others in your team or firm.
Dashflow is the product of 15 years of high-end CRE experience on the buy side, sell side and in broking including work in Chicago, New York, London, Paris, Hong Kong and Seoul servicing large global investment houses and sovereign wealth funds.
Fully compatible with existing corporate IT systems and providing all necessary corporate security and control.
Use Dashflow™:
• Anywhere: in the café, on the train or plane, at home, in the office
• To review more deals and improve productivity many-fold
• To increase flexibility, reduce errors and release creativity
• When bidding, advise or evaluating CRE assets and deals.
• When presenting for Board approval or to investors or partners
A flow of improvements are planned in the coming months and years.
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